

oriental medicine & aromatherapy

Oriental Medicine

The bringing together

My practice combines holistic clinical aromatherapy with the theory of oriental medicine, particularly working with the Five Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal). Working with the theory of oriental medicine can help identify ill health or in Chinese terms, the 'Patterns of Disharmony' present and apparent within the body-mind at that moment in time. Bringing in the appropriate fragrance energy (the essential oils) along with a level of intuition will help support these changes and imbalances supporting the harmonious existence between the Five Elements, balancing the physical, mental and spiritual being.

the basis of oriental medicine



Yin Yang

Yin & Yang


There are two main pillars that come together to form the basis of Oriental Medicine: the Yin-Yang theory and the Five Elements.

Qi – is the thread that connects all being - Blood - Fluids.

The Yin-Yang theory: Yin is Female & Water,  Yang is Male & Fire.

The Five Elements











The five elements, also known as the five phases or movements of Yin and Yang energy, are dynamic forces that dramatically interact with one another. When in balance this system facilitates the natural flow of Qi energy throughout our entire body, mind, spirit and ethereal and corporeal souls. When the balance or harmonious relationship of this interconnected system is disrupted, it is this change that can create disharmony in the body known as ‘pattern of disharmony’, or more commonly as ill health.


Fragrance energetics

(essential oils & Hydrosols)

The method of using plant and aromatic medicine is a form of natural healing that dates back over 2000 years. It is a therapy that is becoming more widely used in the Western world and works very well as a complementary therapy alongside orthodox medicine, continuing to support and maintain overall physical, physiological and emotional health. Plant aromatics are used in the form of 'essential oils' - these are natural volatile oils that are extracted from various parts of a plant (i.e. the petals, leaves, resin, wood, grass etc.) typically by steam distillation or cold extraction, which are then used to support the body through a period of illness. Essential oils work in a very synergistic way, each having more than one therapeutic benefit, helping to support more than one illness or disharmony in the body.   

Hydrosols by their very nature are extremely gentle, they are the aromatic waters left over from the distillation process but still have incredible health benefits.